
Diablo 2 lod remake
Diablo 2 lod remake

Samuel Rivera: “To start off, congratulations on achieving Sony’s approval for the upcoming Legend of Dragoon project!” A Remake Inspired by a Remake The Remake promises a visual upgrade that will raise the in game graphics rendering quality up to the standards set by the original’s CG cutscenes. When the Never-Ending Realm learned about the news, we decided to contact Kasebe himself, and he graciously accepted to be interviewed by editor and Never Ending Realm co-founder Sam Rivera. The Director had lost hope for Sony to greenlight the project, as the Japanese giant refused to remaster the game, “Final Fantasy sold better than we did, and games like Chrono Cross were received better than our game, but after Final Fantasy VII Remake’s success a Sony Executive contacted me.” Kasebe continued, “He approached me saying, “You know, that one internal property, Panzer Dragoon, we want you to resurrect it.” And just like that, I am pleased to announce to our loyal, and at times rabid fanbase, that it is coming, we don’t know when, but it is coming.”

diablo 2 lod remake

Our game (Legend of Dragoon) sold well in the US, but it didn’t take off here (in Japan).” Legend of Dragoon Director, Masayuki Kasebe, said in a recent interview with. Our parent company (Sony) showed no interest in the IP whatsoever.

diablo 2 lod remake

However, hope has been rekindled by a recent unexpected development. The news of Sony of Japan Studio’s demise, all but shattered the hopes of a Legend of Dragoon “Remake” for the game’s fans.

Diablo 2 lod remake